Holy Week 2013

I would be extremely surprised if any of you readers would be coming to my chapel hundreds or thousands of miles from your homes. My services will be of an extreme simplicity, and you are welcome to be with us in spirit.

The liturgical colour is bull’s blood red with black orphreys. Black with red orphreys is possible too. Bright red for Maundy Thursday, not white like in the Roman rite. Cloth of gold or white for the Masses of the Paschal Vigil and Easter Sunday and the Octave.

24th March – Palm Sunday: Blessing of Palms and Mass in the morning

25th, 26th and 27th March – Monday and Tuesday of Holy Week, Spy Wednesday: Mass at some point during the day.

28th March – Maundy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper in the evening

29th March – Good Friday: Mass of the Presanctified in the afternoon

30th March – Holy Saturday: Paschal Vigil in the evening

31st March – Easter Sunday: Mass in the morning after having put the Blessed Sacrament into the hanging pyx from the Easter Sepulchre.

All ceremonies from the Sarum Missal. I will be singing or saying Tenebrae in the evenings of Spy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday according to possibility.

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1 Response to Holy Week 2013

  1. Simone says:

    Dear Father, we’ll be united in prayer. I had my Palm Sunday mass in Vetus Ordo, and will attend Lord’s Supper in a reverent NO church where Tantum Ergo is still sung, Mass of presanctified in a monastery and Easter sunday mass in our parish (in the best legalistic tradition that in the past required to communicate in the reference parish at least once a year in Easter time!). There won’t be Tenebrae services in our diocese (except maybe FSSPX), but I’ll try to perform the traditional giro delle sette chiese or a tour to different reposition altars (“sepolcri”) in seven churches. I don’t know if they ever existed in Anglican tradition, but reposition altars are one of the most beautiful and moving popular liturgical traditions still maintained in Novus Ordo parishes.
    On another side, vatican television aired yesterday an interview with Alister McGrath, that I found very consonant with some of your views, especially regarding issues and future developments of hierarchycal churces. Have you ever read something of this author?




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